Project n. 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033303


Schermata 2023-05-10 alle 16.21.39

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At the end of the first year of activity, on 23 and 24 February 2023 the second of the four Transnational Meetings foreseen by the Erasmus+ Project “ Fa.M.He. Multifamily Groups in Mental Health”.

The first part of the meeting, on the morning of 23 February, was open to the public and organized as a moment of presentation of the project to the clinical and academic context.

During the meeting, all partners presented and discussed their products, evaluating their progress in relation to the work plan and general objectives.

Subsequently, the results relating to the Research on Multifamily Groups in Mental Health were discussed and validated, on which to organize the definitive structure of the Guide on Multifamily Groups. Furthermore, the latest draft of the Vademecum relating to the distinctive elements of the Multifamily Psychoanalysis Groups was approved, identified as the starting point for defining the skills and training programs of the leaders/facilitators of the Groups themselves.

• Lecture Lisbon;

• Pres Resultaten Lisbon;

• Encontro TransNacional Terapia Ocupacional;

Multifamily Psychoanalysis in Italy;

• Meeting the Baracco’s Multifamily groups;

HSM-encontro grupos multifamiliares;

Erasmus Project- FA.H.ME.

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