Project n. 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033303


Activities Are Directly Related To Goals:


Through a common questionnaire intended for conductors of MFGs and a specific tool for analyzing the documentation also available via the web, a documentary and field research will be carried out on the territorial diffusion of the different models of MFGs, their characteristics and the presence of MFGs in institutions public/private in 4 countries and internationally. A Multifamily Group Guide on Mental Health will be developed.


Through the shared analysis of the elements and characteristics of the MFG meetings that meet on the basis of G.B.’s theory, a “Vademecum on the characteristics of the MFG” according to GB will be elaborated. Four areas will be analysed:

1) constitution;

2) organization;

3) management;

4) examination of the results
of the meetings.


On the basis of the summaries of the results of meetings, mediated by a facilitator, which each partner will organize with some MFG conductors in the four countries, the Competency Framework of the conductor-facilitator will be elaborated.


From the analysis of the programs already in use for the training of the conductors and from the results of the previous activities, the Curriculum Formativo (CF) of the conductor/facilitator will be elaborated, organized into modules and teaching units experimented by the single partners in the four territories.


Through the Communication and Dissemination Plan and the web platform, the new products will be disseminated to the numerous new users identified during the activities on the territories and from the web. They are mainly networks of people and organisations, stakeholders and policy makers in the field of mental health who share the same interests and who will use the project results in their training activities and/or in their daily activities.


Through the organization of meetings, focus groups, research and conferences in universities, mental health services and via the web, the community of practice on MFG already active among the partners will be strengthened, creating a large social network of professionals who can collaborate, share and improve working methods and tools, facilitating the dissemination of MFG in the field of mental health
